lower carbon footprint than that of comparable soils
Amino resins are the most important binder for the production of wood-based materials. In addition to an 85 percent share of wood, the new Corepel Evolution product line contains the biomass-balanced (BMB) binder Kauramin® BALANCE from BASF which provides the resistant coating of the core. A sustainable innovation from BASF in the field of amino resins, whose production saves 50 percent CO2 and which has a significantly reduced product carbon footprint (PCF). With its use in Corepel Evolution, the biocomposite product itself has a carbon footprint that is at least 30 percent lower than that of comparable soils.
BASF offers its entire portfolio of amino resins also as biomass-balanced to replace fossil-based materials with renewable ones in its raw material mix. This amount, which is used to produce the amino resins, is allocated to the end products using a mass balance process.
All BMB amino resins are equivalent in quality to the conventional product, but have a significantly lower PCF.
lower carbon footprint than that of comparable soils
SWISS KRONO is one of the world‘s leading manufacturers of wood-based materials in the business areas flooring, interiors, and building materials and consistently relies on certified energy management, the use of renewable energies, raw materials from sustainable sources and a resource-conserving manufacturing process along its entire value chain.