Produktaufnahmen, Studio
Kaurit® Light

Kaurit® Light

Kaurit® Light

Wood-based material which is produced with the new Kaurit® Light-technology consists of chipped wood, a foamed polymer (Kaurit® Light) and a binding agent (Kaurit® glue). As a result, the new wood-based panel weighs 30% less than a conventional chipboard.

The reduced weight results in reduced transport and packaging costs. Especially for furniture, the lightness outweighs.

Kaurit® Light boards can be produced manufactured and processed on existing equipment and with proven machines and materials. Using Polymers in wood-based materials is ecologic? Yes! – The energy saved in transport and packaging leads to a positive eco-balance. This is certified by the TÜV-approved “Ökoeffizienzanalyse”.

Your advantages at a glance

  • Manufactured on existing particle board systems
  • Can be processed with conventional tools and easily edge-machined
  • Reduces consumption of wood, glue, energy, and packaging material, as well as transport costs
  • Eco-friendly and low-resource system solution
  • Can be recycled as used wood (class A2) together with conventional particle board
  • Reduced weight means easy handling

Kaurit® Light – the new lightness

Particleboards are extremely versatile and strong. Unfortunately, they are also rather heavy. For a long time, scientists have been looking for a real light-weight alternative. However, lightweight solutions introduced so far always had disadvantages with regard to the panel’s manufacturing or processing. Particleboards are produced with the new Kaurit® Light-technology weigh 30% less, while being produced and manufactured on existing facilities. Thus, the Kaurit® Light-system is a real and really light alternative.  

Produktaufnahmen, Studio

What’s so new about the Kaurit® Light technology?

Wood-based material produced with Kaurit® Light contains about 15-25 kilogram polymer, replacing up to 200kg wood per cubic meter. This polymer is added to the middle layer as foam beads. The result: A versatile and strong wood-based material which has even an improved moisture resistance compared to conventional particleboards.  

To what extent does the Kaurit® Light technology affect the manufacturing and processing of wood-based material?

The new wood-based panel can not only be produced on existing chipboard but there is no difference in the processing of the panels, too: fittings and coatings can be applied as on conventional boards. That’s why manufacturers and processers so easily benefit from this new technology. 

Kaurit® Light - simply better recycling!
